Friday, March 2, 2012

Happy Friday

New goal.  Blog once a week.  

new block mounted prints @ LP
It has been a busy few months in so many great ways.  I've been doing lots of research on my booth, new products, materials, etc.  I finally feel like I have a clear vision of where I want to go.  All hail pinterest for those of us who are SO visual.

So inspired by this, via designsponge

I started tradeshow bootcamp this week.  Between all the old posts I come across and listening to the experiences of other during the teleconference, I feel a bit less freaked out about being freaked out...if that makes sense.

Poplar alphabet blocks via PDX Fab
I am so excited about new products being produced for a photo shoot and the show.

Antique fair this weekend, hoping to procure booth materials.  Can't wait to hunt for treasure!  

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