I feel like the sentiment "getting back to it" is applying to more and more bits of my life these days. I just moved my life, printing presses and all from Tacoma, Wa, back to my hometown of Portland, Or., and the process was exhausting. It doesn't sound far, I realize. But after 3 Days, 2 presses at around 1800 lbs apiece, many hundred pounds of letterpress ephemera...most of which is made of lead, a 25 ft truck, a forklift and the kindness and patience of friends and loved ones....it has taken a little while to recover.
Now that I have finally landed and collected myself, I am finding those illusive moments to get back in touch with old friends, visit familiar haunts and work on so many of my started but then abandoned projects. Lettuce Blog is one of those projects. I love to peruse the blogs of other printers and get a look at what they are creating, where they are creating it and with what tools. and what inspires them.
It is my goal that this will be a place for me to dump ideas and pictures of things I am working on, links that inspire me from other artists out there, and a picture of life as a printer in Portland. This will require some motivation that I have thus far been unable to muster...but I have finally found the time to get back to it.
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