Monday, February 6, 2012

If blogging was a job....even I would fire me

boxes and blocks....not blogging enough...but making
I never have time to blog....(#notintendedtobeafactualstatement)  There is time, but when there is, I can't think of what to write about.  Not sure I can now.  My brain feels like it is stuck on the spin cycle.

For those of you (or no one, its cool) who know me...I am not a great planner, budgeter, time manager or organizer.  My desk looks a lot like how I feel.  When I organize, I can never find anything.  Sorry, mom.  My life is filled with OCD, type A personalities.  I don't have one myself.  I am pretty laid back.  Maybe a little too chill.....97% of the time, until I get super stressed and move a mile a minute.

None of the above are good.  Not great for trying to be a grown-up.  Not great for taking a little letterpress company to a HUGE trade show filled with type A's who also happen to be amazingly creative.

SO.....I need to be a planner, budgeter, time manager and organizer for this endeavor.  

Luckily I was lent (thanks CW & LOPR) giant post its.  I am hoping to organize my many floating lists into one.  

Thank goodness of those aforementioned personalities who can harness a spreadsheet like nobody's business...and don't suffer from arithmophobia.  

Ever since I got stuck in Ms. Popick's 4th grade stupid math class, which was probably the right place for me, the stigma of "the dumb class" ended any hopes of a positive relationship beween myself and the maths.  But I digress. I ended up being a ceramics major.

So, I am trying to figure out how to make myself routinely do all the things I will need to do in an organized and budget conscious manner in preparation for this show that alternately keeps me up/gives me nightmares.

We'll see how that goes.